Canadian special bread

Canadian special bread

The first Beagle Bread shop was the Firmount Beagle Bakery in Montreal, Canada, which has been operating as the Beagle Montreal Bakery since 1919. In this bakery, using a long wooden shovel, beagle breads are placed in a row in a wood-burning oven. These breads stay in the oven until they are golden and come out of the oven as soon as they are golden.



Of course, New Yorkers think this bread is for them. But it must be said that Beagle Montreal bread is just as delicious. Beagle rye dough in Montreal, Canada is made from eggs and honey. and after they form a ring, they are boiled in water and honey before cooking.


 Bagel 4
 Bagel 3
 Bagel 2
 Bagel 1